'LAGGING', 'LAG' .....
often we hear people say:
"Argh, my pc is lagging!"
"My streamyx line is very lag, argh..... "
"Issh... Those people so lagging in doing their works... just can't stand it"
A very optimistic friend has inspired me by saying that:
"Lagging is simply another way to train our patience."
Can't help to agree that as this is just too beautiful for me to learn.
At the same time, we can learn to control our frustration too!
Hope it applies to you too!
Subject: Chicken Wings
6 months ago
Lina u are lagging la...my computer also lagging while I am viewing ur blog...hahahha....LOL:D
Don't do things lagging lagging ya...later i screw ur head. Just kidding ok...:P I don't like computer lagging cause it will make our details in pc lost. do u agree?
Thanks for dropping by. hehe...ya, in another way, sometimes lagging of pc really will slow down our work and cause us not able to catch up work on time... unless we got another high speed pc to catch up.. haha
Meantime, i also get to understand why people always say "Patience is Golden".. hahaha.... :P
Hey im attracted to that PATIENCE words crafted on the seashore! Who did that? It's beautiful~
Thanks for dropping by. Actually i found the crafting of words on the net. Perhaps we can do similar wordings when we go to beach together. :)
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